The No Second Chance team kicked-off 2015 with a visit to Mackay where we were invited to speak to the Students at Whitsunday Anglican School.
Whitsunday Anglican School is located in the warm sub-tropical climate of Mackay in Queensland and has a focus on social and moral development of their students.
We confronted more than 150 of the year 11 and 12 students with our message and left a lasting impression, that much is clear. Here is what some of the sudents had to say:
Would you recommend this presentation to other schools? Who wouldn’t. The message needs to be spread across Australia. Everyone should learn the affect one senseless act can have on not only the victims family, but also friends and community.Callum Straker - Student at Whitsunday Anglican
It was by far the best, most emotionally touching, and life impacting presentation I have ever seen.Lachlan Jamison - Student at Whitsunday Anglican
Every speaker had the audience’s full attention and, despite the tears in my eyes, they conveyed the message to us as an audience perfectly and you could see that every single person in the room was taking all the stories in.Rhiannon Thomas - Student at Whitsunday Anglican
Warren will represent N2C this weekend as co-driver for Simon Ellingham in the Fastway Couriers Porsche at the Clipsal 500 in Adelaide.

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