The No Second Chance Youth Safety Program recently had a very unique opportunity to talk with the young people at Charleville and surrounding communities in rural Queensland.
Although not part of our original 2014 presentation calendar, we were invited by the QLD Police in cooperation with the local community to do three presentations over two days. Young people were transported in from neighbouring schools as far as 200km away.
It was really great for us to get ‘off the beaten track’ and experience the hospitality of the Charleville locals.
As always there were a few tears during the presentation followed by plenty of questions but we believe its worth making the students feel uncomfortable for a few minutes to leave them with a message that will last a lifetime…
Make good decisions and live your dreams – Make dumb decisions and there is N2C..!!
It was really great to see the QLD Police and rural communities working together to get the message to as many school kids as possible and we are really grateful to have been given this opportunity.
(left to right) Paul Stanley, Warren Luff, Indigenous Liaison Officer Matthew Burns and Matt Speakman The hard hitting message of N2C is universal and is just as relevant at Charleville as anywhere else. This little trick landed Luffy in jail overnight..!! Just kidding it landed all three N2C Ambassadors in cell C1… Where they got a taste of life behind bars...
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